
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Friday, 25 October 2019

Nate holiday art

WALT: I  have been learning to recreate something that's has happened in my holidays in Google draw.          

Reflection I like to use in all of the shapes and Tools to make my holiday art.

Question: how do you  recreate your holidays in Google draw?

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

The big party

Once me and Cole we're going to have a party but when we got to Coles house we heard animals laughing. "Hahahaha ha"! and then we heard them sing"lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala"!
The pigs asked to turn up the music? "sure mates" said the wolf.
"Brack dance boys? Year man"Said the wolf.
Me and Cole just  found out that they bought the house.

world temp

WALT: use Google Sheets to make a graph.
Monday was cold the rest of the
week warm.

 Reflection: are you heaps of different things on Google Sheets to help me make my graph